

New Member
My older two kids fight so bad! They drive me crazy with it, every time I turn around they are fighting again. By the time my wife gets home it is dinner, family time and bed. Once she is there they behave fine! What am I doing wrong?

Jerry F

New Member
You may be letting them get by with it unconsciously. Do you make them separate when they've been fighting? I usually will send everyone to their rooms for a bit until everyone has calmed down a little. It can really be hard being the one there all of the time. They tend not to listen to you if you're always there for some strange reason.


New Member
Grrr, I hate when the kids do this. Yeah, I think your kids will always test their limits, I know mine do. My daughter and son do this worse than the boys do. I usually just tell them they aren't going to get TV time if they continue, that helps some.


New Member
I wonder why they feel that they can blow you off? Maybe they could use a wake up call on that? Maybe they think you tolerate that behavior but your wife won't?