Finnicky Eaters


New Member
My kids seem to have this really narrow group of foods they will eat with gusto. All efforts to get them to eat anything that looks like it is a plant or came from a plant are failing. Any advice?


New Member
I was the same as a child but your taste buds really do change as you grow. I think it's a good idea to keep offering new foods and to think about ways to cook them that are appealing to kids. BBQ veggies are often more popular than boiled!


New Member
Oh gosh yes, this happens in our house too and both of mine have different food fads which change frequently. Just when you stock the fridge with something they can't get enough of they go off it totally!


New Member
My advice is to just keep setting an example for good nutrition and eating habits and keep the discussion going---not nagging, just talking about it regularly in a fun way. One day when you least expect it, it will sink in.