Firefighters watch as house burns to the ground


New Member
Firefighters in Tenessee watched as a house burned to the ground for the second time this year. Apparently, if you live outside a certain area you have to pay for fire service...before you need it!


New Member
I heard a story like this a while back and it's terrible all around. I really think that we pay taxes for services like fire, police, and education. Why was the fire department not receiving tax payer funds?


New Member
Are you paying for it yearly or is is for a one time only issue? What happens if you live until you are 90, die, and never had a fire? What happens to the money spent?


New Member
In that state there is a fee that people are to pay if they want municipal fire protection. I guess some people roll the dice and figure the odds are in their favor, so they opt to save a little money and not pay it.


New Member
Sick! It's very sad that these fire departments can sit and watch houses burn to the ground. I just don't get it. I also don't get why the other people are not paying the $75 to have the protection of the fire department. They know that the fire department won't put out the fire is they have not paid.


Staff member
Are you paying for it yearly or is is for a one time only issue? What happens if you live until you are 90, die, and never had a fire? What happens to the money spent?
Same things that happens to your car insurance if you never get into an accident, or health insurance if you never get sick. The money you pay in goes to those that do use it.


New Member
I think if I lived in that county and I had not paid my fire fee I would be mailing a check. I guess they felt like they had to make an example of someone or no one would pay!


New Member
Sometimes I can't figure out how people think the way they do. Does this mean that if you don't pay ahead of time, the nurses and doctors in the emergency room will just let you die?