Friend thinks he's so great.


New Member
I have a friend that doesn't work, because his wife makes a great income and he just takes care of the kids. I don't think it's bad that he does that, but wouldn't a fire wake up inside of him to do something? Taking care of the kids is wonderful, but you can do more than just that. People do it all the time. I'd want to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for maybe achieving a dream of mine. He could even try and start his own business or work on the internet, but he doesn't do any of those things. I guess I just feel best when I'm producing something.


New Member
Taking care of the kids and housekeeping is a full time job too. You can probably ask your mother about it. The chores are never ending when you stay at home, especially when kids are around.


New Member
I see your point, but it is only contributing to your own life. Wouldn't people be more fulfilled if they did that AND did something that built a great life for them and their family or contributed to society in some way? I get fulfillment in helping others, so I couldn't be closed off with just family life only. I'm not knocking men that do it, I was just trying to learn what their thinking and motives are.


New Member
We are all different, some of us need to conquer the most dangerous places on earth, some of us just want to do right by their kids and family. There is no shame in either because if all of us were all risk takers we would have died out, but if all of us were the slow and steady kind we would have meet the same fate.


New Member
From the title I thought he was arrogant about being a stay at home dad, but from what I understand he doesn't lord it over anyone. If it's enough for women to be a stay at home parent, it should be enough for men to.


New Member
Well, does he have a lot of children? The more kids you have, the more difficult it is to be a stay at home father. Cleaning, cooking and doing things around the house can be just as exhausting as having an office job. Don't blame your friend for sticking to taking care of the kids. Sure, it is great when people can work online when they are stay at home parents, but not everybody has the energy and mindset to do this...


New Member
Yeah, how many children does he have? If he has a lot of children, chances are he will always be busy taking care of them and deal the household chores as well, and he wouldn't have energy left for something like that.


New Member
It sounds to me like maybe he makes all the stuff that he does at home his top priority and like he gets a lot of satisfaction from it, which I think is great, especially if that wasn't the case for his wife.


New Member
If he were a woman staying home with the kids, would you question him the same way? If he enjoys that, that's enough for him. Not everybody has the same aspirations or goals for their lives as you do.