Girls stuff


New Member
If you have a daughter do you avoid answering any questions that relate to the facts of life? Mine is still young but the other day she asked the usual kid questions after see-ing a pregnant woman in the store. I told her to ask her mother, though I think that's probably not the best approach.


New Member
You're right that it's probably not the best way to handle it, but I think I'll be deferring those questions to my fiance. I'm not the greatest when it comes to explaining stuff like that so I'll probably even tell our son to go talk to his mother.


New Member
That is the kind of a question that can really catch you off guard. I can see why you would at least try to buy some time on that, and you could give your wife a head's up and let her think about it first, too.


New Member
A bookstore would be your best bet in cases like this. They have books for everything nowadays. I was going to pick up a book about being a single father--just to improve my skills but I figured the wife would have a fit.