Grandfathers and children


New Member
I'm one of those grandfathers who finds he has more time to be involved in his grandchildren's lives than he did their parents. It works out for our family, and our kids are grateful. We love spending time with the younger ones.


New Member
That's great, Donald! It's a blessing for you to have time to spend with your grand kids, not all grandchildren have the same opportunity. I remember my own grandfather on my mother's side. He always wanted me to spend my summer vacation with him and my grandmother. We would always do fun activities together which never fail to bring a smile on my face when I think about it. Grandfathers (and grandparents in general) are there to "spoil" their grand kids, something parents don't have the time or the luxury to do. Thank God for grandfathers like you :)


New Member
I think my future-father-in-law of seven years would agree. I love the fact that the kids get to spend time with their grandparents. Unfortunately, our situation is a bit different and causes for mixed emotions.

My fiance has a son...he turns eighteen next January. We have a daughter...she turns three in December.

My fiance was eighteen when his son was born and his parents cared for the child a lot on the mom's behalf. She was able to drop the child off at any time of day and then the parents would tell the dad he had to "stay home" to take care of his son. I'm sure you understand how well that did NOT go over with a teenage kid. The girlfriend would leave for weeks on end. (Then his sister had a child and they cared for that child a lot too.) Fifteen years later, we had our daughter. She see's her grandfather about 1hr a day as he helps on the farm, but she really only spends time with them once a month. My parents are too far away to visit often so she sees them about once a month also.

My fiance hates putting our daughter with anyone because of what happened when his son was little. His mentality is that nobody wanted to do what he asked (he wanted them to decline the grandchild to force the mother to communicate and follow their order) with his son that he's not going to give him the chance with our daughter.

I think the older kids are so blessed to have a grandfather like him. He would do anything for his grandkids and really, his kids too. While I understand the predicament they put their son in years ago, I find it unfortunate that our daughter will not be able to experience the same kind of closeness.

Any child is lucky to have granparents around, God Bless you!


New Member
I grew up in a family where I only occasionally met my grandparents as they are far from our home. But whenever we come visit them during vacations I remember that grandpa always brings out the best of him by taking me and my brother to almost anywhere in their province. My father never let us go to the river, but my grandpa often times accompany us to it. Up to now, I really miss those little adventures me and my grandpa had whenever we go to their place. Of course, those experience will surely be handled to my grandchildren when time comes.


New Member
I think it's really great for children to know their grandparents. My parents live in another city so they don't get to spend time with the kids as much as they wanted. They have a close relationship though, thanks to technology, they keep each other updated through e-mails and social networking sites. When time permits, we also visit them for a couple of days, and vice-versa.


New Member
It's great for the kids to spend more time with their grandparents. I never meet my grandparents. The kids are very close to my parents. They are not so close to my wife's though.


New Member
Glad to hear there's another grand dad in this forum! Perhaps we should have a separate block called - Grandfathers Talk! Yes, it is indeed a joy to be with grand kids. My three grand kids were even fortunate to be able to spend some time with my Dad when he was still alive. They go to see that there is such a person called Great Grand dad! As long as you don't get asked to take care of the kids full-time, it's fun. I do babysit once in awhile and I take the opportunity to bond with the future generation!