Hair Loss


New Member
There has never been a problem in my family with hair loss. However, I seem to be losing mine at a higher rate than expected for a 42 year old. Should I start considering going to the doctor for some medicine? Or is it just stress? Should I just leave good enough alone? I don't really know how I feel about it yet.


New Member
I think going to the doctor wouldn't hurt, at least to know what is happening to you and get some advice. Or you may prefer to go natural and use herbs to solve the problems?


New Member
When I started to lose some of my hair, I didn't really worry about it. I figure that it will happen sooner or later, so there is no use in trying to prevent it. That's just me though.


New Member
There are quite a few effective hair regeneration treatments nowadays. I think you should see a doctor; the sooner, the better.

It's easier to prevent hair loss, than regrow hair once it is lost. No reason to be bald, since technology can help us have beautiful hair.


New Member
I am lucky. My father and uncles have thick head of hairs even though they are pretty old. I am crossing my fingers I follow family tradition. I know there are a lot of things they can do for it, but the money would leave me in the poor house.