Holiday Chaos!


New Member
Anyone else experiencing holiday chaos? My mother, her mother, my ex wife, my step mother ugh! My mom wants us over at 1, my step mom wants us over in the evening and her mother wants dinner at 3. All the meanwhile have to come up with a time to meet the ex wife to pick up my child! Mom and Mom-in-law live 15 minutes from each other and step lives and hour away and half hour in the opposite direction to pick up my son!


New Member
It takes us quite a bit of scheduling to please everyone, and some people simply have to accept that we won't be stopping by for anything more than an hour or two at most just to show our faces. It's hard, but I always make sure I have the next day off to relax and recoup.


New Member
This year we may not be going anywhere except the hospital. My sister was due yesterday and baby is still not wanting to join us. My mother in law is working and my father is going out of town so unless baby is born before Thanksgiving we will be home and relaxing for once.


Staff member
Yeah, it is an adjustment still trying to work in both families. It stresses the wife out.


New Member
I am pretty lucky in that the only place I have to go for Thanksgiving is to my moms house. I remember what Holiday Chaos was like, and I am rather glad that I do not have to go through that anymore!


New Member
We started hosting quite a few holidays just to avoid the running around from place to place. And there are some holidays that we celebrate on different days just to get the family together without pulling everyone apart. Having to be too many places at once never seems to work out right.


New Member
That's what we do DriverDan. When we started hosting, we told them they could either come to see the kids or not-their choice. One group doesn't want to be around another, this one hates that one. Honestly, I don't care. They can either come and live with it or not-their choice. But, I'm not going to run around to fifteen gazillion functions just to salve everyone's sensibilities.