How Do They Get Thrush?


New Member
My daughter has been complaining lately about having a sore throat (in so many words). I took her to the doctor and he says she has thrush. She's never around anymore children so how did she get this?


New Member
I know our youngest had thrush in her mouth when she was a baby but she didn't necessarily catch it off anyone else. It's a fungal yeast infection and everyone has yeast in their bodies. My wife had it when she was pregnant and it's pretty common.


New Member
Well, they gave me some stuff to put in her mouth but it's a job to do that. She says it doesn't taste good and cries and generally has it all over both of us by the time we get done. I'll be glad to get this medicine over with.


New Member
Yeah, thrush is just a yeast infection in the mouth, or on the breasts of a breastfeeding woman. If you are on antibiotics for too long you can get it, also a lack of fiber will allow for yeast overgrowth, there are some medications like steroids that cause it. Also problems with the digestive system can cause it. Taking a probiotic is something that helps.


New Member
Yup, Antibiotics are the most common problem. I think we actually give too many antibiotics to our kids. I think we need to wait things out a bit and see if it's actually an infection instead of a virus. I also thinks it makes the kids immune system tougher if we don't go get antibiotics for every sniffle. I'm not saying don't use them if you need them, I'm just questioning the need.


New Member
OK She had a course of antibiotics about two weeks back for a urinary tract infection. I had no idea that antibiotics would do something like that. I'll be more careful in the future.