How do you tell a friend?


New Member
How do you tell a friend it's time to get a divorce? His marriage is not working and he's suffering, unfortunately his wife doesn't care too much about that fact. How would you go about telling him, maybe it's time to consider getting divorced?


New Member
I would not bring it up unless he did. I would be supportive to him in any way, if he said anything along the lines of wanting to end it I would support that too. Still, I would not hang myself because they could get back together.


New Member
I would not keep my opinion from my friend. My friends and I are pretty honest with each other. I would not walk on egg shells to spare his feelings. I would just sit him down and tell him why the relationship should end.


New Member
I think I would just try to stay out of it and be supportive of my friend. Getting a divorce is a huge decision and may not be a step he is ready to take yet.


New Member
Well, normally I wouldn't tell my friends to get a divorce, but if his marriage were going really terrible, I would mention that I've noticed his suffering and I would point out that maybe it's time to do something for themselves as a couple.


New Member
I would never advice my friend to get a divorce. If I see something wrong with them then I would support him in anyway I can but not try to separate them even though that is the solution.


New Member
I don't know. I guess would just mostly try to be supportive of him and if the conversation happened to go in that direction, as his friend I would tell him what I'm seeing.


New Member
I think the way to tell a friend is to give them your honest opinion if they ask you what you think of their situation. Otherwise, they probably won't be open to what you have to say about it.