How Long Do They Watch?


New Member
How long do you let the kids watch TV? I will only let my 2 year old watch TV for about an hour a day. Then we go with the play instead of a lot of TV time. I think creative play is much better for him than the TV.


New Member
Right now the computer is used more than the TV is unless its a Mama and Papa show which is most times seen during the later nights (we tend to be night hawks lately). I would much rather kids grow up doing more things that being sucked into TV land.


New Member
I'm a strict Dad during regular days especially if they are schooling. They can only watch TV for an hour after doing their homework. But during weekend, they can watch TV and play computer games anytime.


New Member
I would probably add it up to an hour or so. Usually he watches the most when we are relaxing at the end of the night. During the day, he very rarely sits still and watched an entire program.


New Member
I didn't really allow my children to watch TV till about the age of 3. From then on, they were restricted to an hour a day. It lead to a lot of arguments but I think that it was for the best.


New Member
We always had set time limits on the TV too when the kids were younger. Now as they are older, they choose to not watch as much. Heck I can't even get them to sit down to watch something.


New Member
My kids do not get tv until all assignments are done and just an hour and a half each day. I try not to deprive them too much of it so they can still relate with friends in school. During their exam week, they do not get to watch any BUT my wife tivos their favorite shows and come week-end... TV MARATHON! lol