How many people do you know


New Member
How many people do you know that are divorced? My wife and I were talking about this the other night. I would say probably about 30% of the people we know well are divorced. I guess that is actually pretty good since the divorce rate is at 50% or more.


New Member
We don't have divorce from where I'm from, but I know a few people who are separated (some legally, others are not). I don't have any qualms about divorce per se, but if people choose to get married, I think it's also their responsibility to stay together - for better or for worse.


New Member
I actually know very few divorced people, strangely enough. I know some who were divorced but got remarried, so I don't know if that counts. However, most people I know are either single or married.


New Member
That is a very hard position you are taking, Lorenzo. There's no sense in continuing to ruin two lives just because at one point a ritualistic vow was taken.


New Member
One of my closest friends from childhood is divorced, and one of my wife's childhood friends has been divorced twice. We've also seen a lot of divorce within the family, including my own parents, so I would say we know our fair share of divorcees.

I don't think marriage is a vow that should be taken lightly or entered into quickly, but unfortunately this happens and then many couples can't reconcile their differences, even with counseling, and in those cases, I think it's better for the family members (especially the children) if the parents divorce. I think it's better for a child to have parents that live in separate households than to have parents that argue all the time.


New Member
I've never taken the time to count. I'd say a pretty low percentage are separated. It's less than 30, but probably more than 20 %.

Victor Leigh

New Member
I do know quite a few people who are divorced. I, myself, am divorced. My own parents are divorced. Many of my friends in Thailand are divorced, too. Contrary to what some people may believe, a divorce does not mean the end of the world. There is still a lot of life after a divorce.


New Member
I wish I didn't know of anyone who is divorced, because it means somebody went through some sadness. Unfortunately that is certainly not the case these days, is it.


New Member
It seems to go in cycles. All of our friends got married about the same time, then they had kids around the same time. Now, we are seeing a few of the couples divorce (all at the same time). Strangely, it mostly seems to be the wife's friends that are breaking up right now. Not sure what's up with that.


New Member
Well, only a few of people I know are divorced, which I think is great. Though, a close friend of mine was divorced just after a year of marriage.


New Member
I know many but most of them are also remarried by now and the divorce was for the better. I never understood why some people are discriminated against either by others or a church if they get a divorce. Sometimes its in the best interest for everyone, children and adults alike.

R. Paradon

New Member
I do know quite a few people who are divorced. I, myself, am divorced. My own parents are divorced. Many of my friends in Thailand are divorced, too. Contrary to what some people may believe, a divorce does not mean the end of the world. There is still a lot of life after a divorce.
I divorced my wife in 1978 after ten miserable years. It was not the end of the world for me, but the return to a decent and balanced life. Of course not many people are married to a person with a chemical imbalance in their brain and refuse to have the problem resolved. Perhaps just one or two small tablets per day could have made her a happy person, but to my knowledge she is still as miserable today as when I divorced her.


New Member
How many people do you know that are divorced? My wife and I were talking about this the other night. I would say probably about 30% of the people we know well are divorced. I guess that is actually pretty good since the divorce rate is at 50% or more.
I don't know what the stigma is :confused:
Sometimes its just better to be by yourself.


New Member
I'm 58 years old, so many of my friends are divorced. Some of them have been divored 2 or 3 times. It's very sad.


New Member
Actually, I lost count a long time ago. I used to be in a band. The band leader just had his 4th divorce and is now working on wife #5.

Of course his adventures are fueled by the fact that he is from another country and he needs an American wife to keep him working in America. He also demands that his wife is the main bread winner and has lots of money. As Billy Idol said in the movie, "The Wedding Singer", women are possessions to him.


New Member
I don't know anyone who is divorced because I am still quite young and none of my friends are married. My friend Dean will be the first to get married in a few months time. No friends of the family are divorced either.


New Member
And compare it with my country, it is only 1.1 % . Divorce in India is considered a taboo and brings the whole family share. Though we have still traditional ways of marriages, we have the highest rate of successful marriages. I know only a couple who married then divorced and after getting none to marry again started living again as divorced but needy for each other.


New Member
Most of my friends have been divorced at least once. It is unfortunate but sometimes, even after being with someone for a long time you don't know what they are really like until you are married. One of my wife and I's really good friends was with her ex husband for 7 years before they married and a year into the marriage, when she was 8.5 months pregnant he cheated on her repeatedly with his best friend's wife.


New Member
We know a lot of people who are divorced or separated. We usually hang out with our couples friends, and those friends who are single and looking usually hang out elsewhere. Most of the people we interact with socially who are single are our relatives. Still, I know a lot of single people, divorced or otherwise.


New Member
I know no one around my circles who is divorced. Some of them are unwed couples, single mom or single dad, but I guess divorce is just not really practiced here in my area. Every situation is unique, I guess, and probably complicated in its own way, whatever your particular situation is. We're all just trying to get by the best we can, right?