How many people do you know


New Member
Most people I know are either divorced or on their second marriages. Which is a shame, but maybe we arent meant to spend our entire lives with one person. But if you have children or plan to have children, I think couples need to do their very best to make it work.


New Member
How many people do you know that are divorced? My wife and I were talking about this the other night. I would say probably about 30% of the people we know well are divorced. I guess that is actually pretty good since the divorce rate is at 50% or more.
Hi, maybe a hard question to ask, but why are you asking this? Is your marriage not working? Because I remember when I left my wife, that I also was starting to look for a way to justify my action. Are you thinking about a divorce? And I still remember that I found a lot of people who could give me a perfect good reason to get away from my wife.


New Member

I think that 2 out of 5 couples that I meet, have been married before. Divorce is really common these days and there is nothing we can do about that. People tend to marry for security, the husband or wife loose the job, and there you have it. There are so many reasons why people get divorce, a lot more than the reason they have to get wedded.


New Member
I wish I didn't know of anyone who is divorced, because it means somebody went through some sadness. Unfortunately that is certainly not the case these days, is it.
Actually that is very often not the case. I was previously married for twelve lonely and miserable years. I stayed in the marriage because I thought that divorce should be the last resort.


New Member
I divorced my wife in 1978 after ten miserable years. It was not the end of the world for me, but the return to a decent and balanced life. Of course not many people are married to a person with a chemical imbalance in their brain and refuse to have the problem resolved. Perhaps just one or two small tablets per day could have made her a happy person, but to my knowledge she is still as miserable today as when I divorced her.
A person could grow old trying to beat a dead horse. I was in a relationship for seven years, (thankfully not a marriage), and this woman was just simply a miserable human being. I have found out recently that nearly ten years later, she has not changed.


New Member
Most people I know are either divorced or on their second marriages. Which is a shame, but maybe we arent meant to spend our entire lives with one person. But if you have children or plan to have children, I think couples need to do their very best to make it work.
The way you put it was perfect about children. A married couple with children need to think of the children first and foremost, and do their best to make it work.

However, if it is damaging all around to everyone involved for a married couple to stay together, than other alternatives need to be explored.
My wife's mother was an abuser. Anything would have been better than what she had to endure.


New Member
How many people do you know that are divorced? My wife and I were talking about this the other night. I would say probably about 30% of the people we know well are divorced. I guess that is actually pretty good since the divorce rate is at 50% or more.
At this rate of divorce, why are people even marrying in the first place?


New Member
I know quite a few people who are divorced. I'm still at that age where I guess a lot of people are still married but might divorce as the years pass. I also know quite a few individuals who were divorced at some point but who are now remarried. It seems most people get remarried at some point.


New Member
I know a lot of people who are divorced. I think that marriage doesnt have the same value as it did years ago. I think that people walk away too easily from bad situations. Thats why the divorce rate is so high.