How tall you are?


New Member
Is asking as man how tall he is so rude as asking a woman how much she weights? I am not a tall person myself but I have no issue telling you how tall (or short) I am. :D


Staff member
I do not think so. I never understood the big deal over height or weight. BTW, I'm between 6 and 6-2 depending on the store I'm leaving, and around 275. I'm a big boy.


New Member
I think the only time it matters to some is when there are short jokes involved. I am shirking and I am okay with this but right now I am 5'7, the good part of it all you ask? I can get in and out of my car easier w/o ducking so much. :)


New Member
I don't think it's offensive. I don't mind telling anyone how tall I am or what I weigh. I think it would only bother someone if they weren't comfortable with the answer.


New Member
I'm only 5'11. I don't care if people ask. It is what it is. I didn't pick it, and I can't change it. I think if you think someone will be self-conscious about it, just steer clear.


New Member
I'm 5'9" and don't mind if people ask. I agree that a lot of people worry and it bothers then when they are the butt of all shorty jokes.


New Member
5'11" here, never considered myself short more average height than anything else I guess. The wife was always complaining when we were dating she can't wear heals when she is out with me (she's 5'9"), but she got over it, apparently.