I can't believe I just said that!


New Member
Today my son was telling me about some things I was supposed to buy him just because he wanted them. I started to tell him that he has to do some chores to get those extra things because they cost money and I told him, "Money doesn't grow on trees!" I sounded just like my father.

Have you ever caught yourself saying something to your kids that your parents used to say to you?


New Member
At times kids can be really pestering to the extent that you say things without much thought. You can better understand why your parents said the things they said.

What was your kid's reaction?


New Member
I say that one all the time, and it's true! Or I will say to my nephew and niece, wait lets go in the backyard and pick the money off the money tree, wait a minute we don't have one. Aren't they funny - these kids!


New Member
It's really scary that we have turned into our parents, isn't it? I'm waiting for the day when I tell my daughter I had to walk ten miles to school through the wind and rain and driving snow, lol. That's not true of course, but I think it's every parent's right to tell that one at least a couple times :)


New Member
But what's wrong with that? Isn't that true that money doesn't grow on trees? :D I think I do that every now and then, and I don't feel bad about that. I just wonder why I start turning into the ones I hate when I was still a child.


New Member
I cringed the first time I said out of exasperation, "Because I said so!" after about the 10th "why?" in 10 minutes. The other time I swore my father was posessing me was when the kids were arguing in the car and I came out with, "Don't make me pull this car over!" I guess we say these things because they usually get the desired results?


New Member
I sound like my parents all the time but most times I catch myself saying things to my spouse that my parents used to say back and forth. This is normal chatter and when we bicker, too funny looking back on it now.