Joint custody


New Member
Luckily my ex and I parted on really friendly terms and we agreed to share our son. I have him for 5 days a week while she works and she has him at the weekend. He loves having 2 homes and as we live close to each other and often visit, he hasn't lost out at all!


New Member
It's great that you and your ex share your son. So many kids are put in the middle in divorces and it really causes them a lot of hurt.


New Member
Yes, it's usually the kids who suffer most in an acrimonious divorce so it's great to hear about an amicable split where your son has obviously gained by having two loving parents who are still friends.


New Member
I have the same set up in custody. Our son seems to be doing well with it too. Glad to hear others have come to the same type of solution.


New Member
It's admirable that you were able to work together on behalf of your children despite your differences. That in itself is a wonderful example for your children to see.


New Member
My wife and I are seperated (not divorced, yet) and we share custody of our daughter. Although we don't have set times, I'm free to go and pick her up anytime I want and bring her home with me for awhile. I would die if I couldn't spend time with my daughter.


New Member
That's wonderful! I am glad to hear of a couple that could work together for the benefit of the child. It really tears kids up to see their parents fighting. They don't know who to be loyal to most times and it makes them so upset.