Keeping The Kids Entertained


New Member
I have a few health problems which are going to necessitate my being in doctor's offices for a lot of appointments. I have to take the kids with me so I'm asking for help. Is there something I can do to keep the kids entertained while I'm at the offices? They will be taking their Gameboys so I think they will be OK but I have the feeling they won't stay that way. Help!


New Member
The Gameboys should help quite a bit. Do you have a tablet or smartphone? Perhaps you could let them browse the internet while waiting as well.

I hope your health issues are quickly resolved.


New Member
How old are the kids? If it's age appropriate, you could have them each bring a book to read while they wait. If they're too young to read, maybe coloring books and crayons would do the trick. If not, a laptop, tablet, or smartphone with a TV show or movie playing could keep them occupied.


New Member
This is one time I would try to get someone to watch the kids if ever there were one. There are all sorts of germs at the doctors' offices. Waiting rooms are not user friendly, by any means. Good luck to you. Maybe you could trade off with a friend and watch their kids for a few hours one day. That's what I do.


New Member
I think I would try to get someone to watch them too. If you can't, I would probably have them bring the Gameboy and a book.


New Member
Thanks guys. It's a minor problem and thanks for the good wishes. I am going to ask my mother in law if she will keep them the days I have to go. I really don't look forward to having to deal with them in that type of setting.

Michael-I don't want to take them if I can avoid it. I certainly don't want them to get sick.