Kids from the school for the janitorial work!


New Member
I just heard a report about some politician who thinks it would be a good idea to replace school janitors with little kids from the school to do the janitorial work! He was serious.


New Member
I thought politicians were supposed to be finding a way to add jobs instead of taking them away? In all seriousness though, I think it's a silly idea. Kids are there to get their education, not perform manual labor type work.


New Member
The man sounds like a tool and unless he was delusional I see no way that this would pass. Sounds like maybe he is trying to get a media shock or something but totally going about it the wrong way.


New Member
Who said that? I want to know so I don't vote for them if it applies. There are child labor laws for a reason. I know that a couple Republican nominees have mentioned that they think child labor laws are stupid but come on. We are supposed to provide for our children, not put them to manual work at school.


New Member
Newt Gingrich is the one who said it, but some of it has been taken out of context here. What he said was that in low income areas you could have a head janitor, and that kids could help keep the school clean...for money.


New Member
He said it in the context that "low income children need to learn how to work for a living". He was referring to low income children in New York City in particular.


New Member
Well, I am not seeing how that is any better when you put it in context. I am not seeing how low income children should be put to work at school, money or not. That's extremely classist and just wrong. That's absurd.


New Member
Is he wrong? Do low income children not need to learn to work? Maybe he could have said it in a better way, and I am not sure I agree with having kids clean the schools (they are germ infested enough without having kids do a half way job), but everyone needs to learn a work ethic. I have heard people complain in countless places for months about how "lazy" the unemployed were. Well, here you go...teach kids to work from the time they are young until most probably the day that they die.


New Member
Every child needs to learn to work but that does not mean that they should be put to work at school. For a child, school is the equivalent of work. Low income children do not need the lesson more than children who come from high income homes. How many children of high income parents mooch off their parents and do nothing for a living? Where is their lesson? I do not believe the unemployed are just lazy either.


New Member
I find Newt Gingrich's comment about putting the low income children from New York City schools to work cleaning the school appalling! I think he should scrub his mouth out with a toilet brush.