Kids hounding us for a dog


New Member
The kids have been hounding us for a dog for like three months now. We considered a puppy for Christmas. I'm thinking summer would be an easier time, as I want the kids to learn to take care of it. Good strategy?


New Member
I agree that waiting until warmer weather is a good strategy, especially if you're getting an outside dog. It will be much easier to teach the kids to take care of it in weather that is warm, rather than battling the cold and possibly snow.


New Member
Makes good practical sense. Housebreaking will be easier for all concerned in the warmer weather. Everyone will be more inclined to go for walks together as well. Going for a big or a little dog?


New Member
Have your children ever had a pet (like a hamster or fish)? Teaching a kid about responsibility might be better accomplished with a smaller pet than a dog. When it gets to the point where you know they're responsible, then you guys can talk about a dog.


New Member
We haven't settled on a breed yet, though I'm leaning towards a small dog since we have three young girls, and I want them to be able to walk the dog with no problems. I like the idea of getting some fish first.


New Member
When we were considering getting a puppy, my dad warned me to be ready to do most of the work. Needless to say, we put off getting the puppy. But I agree, house-training the dog will be easier in the warmer weather, and it will be easier to get the kids to take it for walks.


New Member
We got our dog, not for the children as such, but for ourselves and we have gradually allowed the children to take more responsibility as they grew older. They love it and our dog is most definitely now our children's dog.


New Member
There really is something about having a dog that really rounds out a family. Maybe it's because dogs are "pack" animals, so they somehow help create a certain level of family unity.