Ladies Night Out


New Member
Do any of you men object to your wives spending a night out with friends? Does it matter where we go or who we're with? I like going out and getting a little bit tipsy once every month or so with my friends and lately it's been causing a problem.


New Member
I don't mind my partner going out with the girls for a drink. Afterall, i do the same with my friends and don't expect her to kick up a fuss.

That being said, it is nice to know where she's going and who with, but i won't be too pushy.


New Member
Not at all! I don't care if she goes out with her friends. We both do this! I think it's normal and healthy too. Neither of us are big drinkers, its just the time with our friends that is so nice.


New Member
I think it is healthy for the ladies to get out together every once in awhile. I think it is a good way for them to release a little stress and go have some fun.


New Member
I think it's needed, I can't imagine how insane I would go if I had spent all day with my children and didn't get time away to be an adult. As long as she doesn't get too drunk then a night out once in a while is a must.


New Member
Nope; I go out with my friends after work all the time for happy hour and stuff and she can do the same. Most of the time we do go out together since we both like to have fun but she can go out and has even gone away with her friends before with no issues. Sometimes I like to get away from her.


New Member
Maybe I should just kick him out for a night of partying. What do you guys think? He's at work all day but that doesn't really count as time for himself. Maybe he's just starting to object because he wants his own night.


New Member
Does he have any guy friends? He might just not have people he can go out with like that so it could cause some issues when you go out and he is thinking, "what the f___, why do I always have to work and come out and she gets to go out?"


New Member
I'm fine with my wife going out with her friends (they do it once or twice a month). She's a full-time mom and I know she needs a break once in a while. If your husband objects to your going out, maybe some time you can bring him along so he will know what really goes on when you're with your friends.


New Member
Do any of you men object to your wives spending a night out with friends? Does it matter where we go or who we're with? I like going out and getting a little bit tipsy once every month or so with my friends and lately it's been causing a problem.
I'm not going to pretend here and try to appear civilized, I have major problems with my wife 'going out to get a little tipsy'. It must be explained why you would like to get tipsy on your own or with someone else!


New Member
I'm not going to pretend here and try to appear civilized, I have major problems with my wife 'going out to get a little tipsy'. It must be explained why you would like to get tipsy on your own or with someone else!
Do you have problems with your wife going out, getting tipsy without you, or just getting tipsy in general?

What exactly is the problem and why does it bother you that she needs to have her own life and enjoy herself?

It sounds like you are afraid that alcohol will impair her and make her realize she is with someone who sucks the life out of her and make her rethink being with you.


New Member
No, I look forward to the time by myself. I like my own space so I encourage my girlfriend to go out and have a good time, haha. I do expect her to come home at a respectable hour, though, and if not she should contact me and let me know her whereabouts.


New Member
I can't see my wife coming home tipsy, but she does on occasion do a late night dinner out with her friends. I don't really mind it as long as she lets me know when she is headed home.