Last year of my 30s


New Member
My birthday is right around the corner and this upcoming year will be the last in my 30s. When you turned 39, did you dwell on 40? Did you feel like there was something big looming in the distance? I know it's only a number and I don't feel like I'm even 39, so that should be a good thing, right? I just feel like I've spent too much time lately thinking that I only have one year left in my 30s.


New Member
I had some issue with it when I turned 30, although I don't really know why now. Knowing me though, I'll probably have an issue with it when I turn 40, too. I think we all just want to stay young forever, even though 30 isn't old, 40 isn't old, heck even 50 isn't old anymore! Now more than ever, age is just a number.