Late Talker?


New Member
My 21 month old is not much of a talker. I can't tell if she is behind or just not as verbal as my older daughter was at this age. She has said quite a few words but I only hear most of them once and then I never hear them again. She's said a couple of two-word phrases ("thank oo" being the most frequent). She often calls my wife "dada" because I guess "dada" is her default when she's in distress. Much of the time she babbles or points.

Do you think I should be concerned or should I just wait and see?


New Member
I don't think it would hurt to bring it up with her doctor just in case, but I don't really think anything major is going on if she is talking some. My wife's cousin still wasn't talking at 3 or 4 and come to find out, she had a hearing problem. However, she wasn't talking AT ALL. Another friend of ours has a 3 year-old that doesn't say much and they think he may be mildly Autistic, but every doctor has something different to say about it.


New Member
My daughter didn't really start talking much until she was about two and a half. Like yours, she would say the occasional word, but that was it. Somewhere between two and a half and three, everything changed and now we never have a quiet moment.

On The Mark

New Member
I would bring it up to your doctor as a precautionary measure, but I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe she'll just be the quiet type who doesn't talk a lot.


New Member
I have a lot of friends whose kids were late talkers. I wouldn't worry too much about it. But if you want to do something take others' advice and ask a doctor.


New Member
Thanks everybody. You make me feel better. I will definitely mention it at her 2 year appointment in October but it's good to hear that little talking at this age is not really abnormal either.


New Member
My middle daughter didn't talk much at all at that age. She was over two when she finally began really talking and then she used complete sentences. As long as she's saying some words and is developing normally otherwise, I wouldn't be concerned yet at all.


New Member
Our son did not talk right away either but once he started he never really stopped. That boy can really talk an ear off let me tell you.


New Member
My neighbor's son started talking late and he still doesn't talk a lot. I think it's sometimes the child's personality. This boy can speak but is very quiet. The doctor said it's normal and there is nothing wrong with him, that he's probably a thinker. If you are worried speak to your son's doctor.


New Member
My son doesn't talk nearly as much as my daughter did at the same age and I think that some of it is because they don't have too. My daughter talks "for him" all of the time, and they have their own language for each other.


New Member
My son also didn't talk until a good bit later than my daughter. My son is just naturally much quieter than she is. He is 2 years and seven months now and he is starting to make sentences.