Light up Blue


New Member
For anyone who doesn't know. April 2nd is World Autism Awareness day. Make sure to get to Home Depot to get your blue light bulb while you can. To show support you put the blue light in your porch lamp.


New Member
Thank you for making everyone aware of World Autism Awareness Day. I do not have an auutistic child, but a friend of mine does. I would go and get a bulb to show support, but I do not have a porch light.

Victor Leigh

New Member
Where I live now, nobody seems to have the slightest idea what World Autism Awareness Day is about. Anyway I will see if I can get a blue bulb on my own. Failing that maybe just something blue might do. As a symbolic gesture of support.


New Member
I knew the day was in April but I forgot which date. Do not worry though I forget dates bunches now that I am older. We have a dear friend of ours with an autistic son and he was actually the first child our oldest came around, they were "first" best friends. Total support here. :)