

New Member
My wife is very particular about lighting in a room. She's always saying how our house doesn't have enough light in it, especially after dark, when we only have a handful of lamps to depend on. That's why I went out and bought a new ceiling fan today, hoping the lights on it would be better than on the old ceiling fan we had in the bedroom. I spent about two hours taking the old fan down, assembling the new fan, and putting it up. She still doesn't like it. She says the angled lights "cast shadows" that cause the room to be "light and dark" at the same time. :confused:



New Member
It's hard to get the lights right. I also hate an overhead light in the center of the room. It hurts my eyes. We use a lot of lamps and have one master switch where they all come on with one flip of the switch. That's the best part of this house.


New Member
I hear you, and I hear what my wife is saying, too. I know it's hard to get the lighting right, especially since she needs office lighting in order to work from home. It was just so aggravating to spend the better part of my afternoon taking one ceiling fan down and assembling and installing a second one, only to have her dislike the new one as much as the old one. I felt like I'd wasted my time!


New Member
Why doesn't she pick out the lighting she wants in the house since she's the one who is being so particular? I have the opposite problem with my wife who never wants any lights on. I swear, sometimes I think she's a bat.


New Member
I shy away from lighting as I know I am bad at it and have already been told to never try it again from the wife. To be fair though think about shows or movies you watch, those lighting people are professional and sometimes even they get it wrong, it has to be tricky.


New Member
I've been wanting to see if I could find some of the daylight bulbs for reading and doing desk work. My eyes are much more sensitive than they used to be. I've heard that they daylight bulbs do allow you to see so much better.