Little multitaskers


New Member
A friend of mine just complained about today's kids being multitaskers (not in a good way). They take dinner, watch TV and do their homework at the some time. I agree with that to some extent.


New Member
I think your friend is right but it is just the way they are. Today's kids have so many things to do (many more than we did in the past), and they have to do them fast.


New Member
Yeah, it is the way they are and I think we parents are the ones to blame as we have been giving them too many tasks. I would try to at least get them take their meals properly.


New Member
I don't really see anything wrong with watching TV while having dinner. We have a television set in our dining room and sometimes we watch a fun show or the news during our dinners.

As far as homework is concerned, that is a different story. Homework should be done in appropriate conditions in order not to get distracted. Watching TV while doing their homework is out of the question.


New Member
In our home we do everything we can to encourage focus. A lot of people like to have the TV on for background noise, but we don't do it because it can be a distraction. We also have a three toys at a time rule. It's not just to control the mess, but also because when there are too many toys out, it becomes difficult for children to focus and they get overwhelmed.


New Member
I did that sometimes (or even a snack not a full meal) when I was younger but mostly during my teen years. There are many worst things that a teen could be doing than their homework. Your friend seems a little strict.


New Member
I agree that watching TV and having dinner isn't a big deal. However, homework does need its own time slot. If a child is too busy to do homework, it's time to pull them out of an activity.


New Member
Most families have TV's at their dining room. Not with us though because dinner time is also a time where everyone can meet and talk about what happened during the day. We can watch TV after dinner.


New Member
We don't encourage the kids to multitask but I agree that it is the way they are and that they have too many tasks to do. Though, we have a rule we follow strictly: no television until homework is finished.


New Member
I would have a hard time saying anything about that because I do it too. There is just so much that has to be done that I will frequently study, or pay the bills while I am eating and the tv may be on for background noise as well.


New Member
We weren't allowed to have TV on until after homework was done and that's what I'll do with my kids. I think kids that can study through noise are great but you don't know who they are until the ones that can't, fail.