Live together after divorce


New Member
My friend and his wife just divorced but since they have 4 kids they decided to continue living together and co-parent. What do you think of this arrangement?


New Member
Oh, jeez - the title of this thread just made me laugh and laugh :D I was thinking about what would have happened if my ex and I had tried that. Ohhhh, hell, no!

Anyway, I say more power to your friends for putting their differences aside and putting the kids first. If they can pull it off without getting into World War III, that is awesome. Children of divorce would be much less scarred if all parents could do this.


New Member
It would be a big sacrifice for both parents but might be good for the kids. I can understand that maybe they just don't have a romantic connection anymore but want to co-parent the children. It's kind of similar to the idea of the parents moving houses instead of shuffling the kids back and forth I guess. More stability for the kids.