Losing a child


New Member
A couple we are close to have just lost their six year-old to the dengue virus. Our friends are devastated, to say the least. How can a parent ever cope with the loss of his or her own child? My wife and I are trying our best to console them, but we're sure it's not enough. The mother can't even stop crying. :(


New Member
That is horrible. I don't even know what to say because I cannot imagine it. I would say just try to be there for them. Whatever you and your wife are doing I am sure they appreciate it. There really is not anything you can say.


New Member
That is absolutely awful. I don't even want to think about losing one of my girls. There's not much you can do for your friends other than be there as emotional support and take care of any mundane details they can't be bothered with right now (like mowing their lawn, cooking meals, etc).


New Member
I'm so sorry to hear they lost their child. Our son is 3 now and I just can't imagine losing him at 6. I agree with Victor here - everyday tasks are probably going to be the last thing on their mind right now, so anything you can do to help them in that regard would probably be a huge help.


New Member
There are support groups for people in this situation. I think that people who have been through something like this before are in the best position to help others going through it. Perhaps you could research finding such a group and provide the info to them.