Men In Black 3


New Member
We went to see this movie last weekend and it was so funny. I think it did a great job of tying itself together with the other 2 movies too. Has anyone else seen it? What did you think of it?


New Member
I haven't seen the first two Men in Black movies, so I doubt I will pay to see this one until after I've watched the others. I'm pretty far behind with keeping up with current movies.


New Member
It's sure taken a long time for number three to come out. What's it been since number two was out, something like ten years? I'll probably wait until it comes out on dvd and rent it.


New Member
I saw this movie as well and thought the same thing. I was a bit skeptical about it going in, but fortunately I was wrong in my assumptions. I thought it was pretty hilarious and I like that it didn't feel cheap at all, which was my biggest worry. The story was pretty good, although I would have liked Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith together a lot more in it. It was still very much worth the price of the tickets and I would recommend it to anyone who would like to buy or rent the Blu Ray or DVD when it comes out.


New Member
I think we will wait until it comes out and we can rent it. We love watching more movies at home now, no ticket lines or fees and no issue with finding a parking place. That is unless all the kids and grand kids are not here.


New Member
I saw this movie as well and thought the same thing. I was a bit skeptical about it going in, but fortunately I was wrong in my assumptions. I thought it was pretty hilarious and I like that it didn't feel cheap at all, which was my biggest worry. The story was pretty good, although I would have liked Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith together a lot more in it. It was still very much worth the price of the tickets and I would recommend it to anyone who would like to buy or rent the Blu Ray or DVD when it comes out. We love watching more movies at home now, no ticket lines or fees and no issue with finding a parking place.


New Member
The Men In Black series actually bore me quiet a bit. The action scenes are quite predictable, and the acting will always be subpar. It seems that they paid too much for effects in this one as well, forfeiting any original story or script, and retaining the over-the-top acting. The movie had too many flaws for me to enjoy it at all...