Missing a good steak


New Member
The price of beef has skyrocketed so much that about the only beef I buy lately is stew or hamburger. Those I can stretch for a big meal or even more than one meal. I am so missing the taste of a good steak, though.


New Member
Me too! I was thinking of getting a calf and raising it for the beef. If I can do that and have it butchered, it will be a lot less. I would have to get a bigger freezer though, for the beef. I have also thought of buying chickens, not so much for the meat immediately, but for the eggs which are an excellent source of protein and the hens will lay for a couple of years.


New Member
We bought a half of a cow so we have plenty of great steaks. Have you ever looked into buying something like this? You pretty much get the meat however you want.


New Member
I think there are options around here to do like polamalu did and buy just half a cow. Seems like my wife's brother and sister-in-law were looking into this at one point. We are going to have to do something because grocery story beef it's getting ridiculously expensive!


New Member
I haven't looked into buying it in bulk but I guess I should. How much meat do you get in a half, though? I only have a small freezer, so I'm wondering if I would need to go smaller, like maybe a quarter?


Staff member
The last time we were in Texas we bought some beef and brought it home. Not only was it a few dollars cheaper, it came from a real butcher and much better quality. Otherwise it is mostly chicken here.