Mom and dad staying at home


New Member
Do both you and your wife stay (and work) at home? I imagine how happy the kids would be if both mom and dad stayed at home and were with them most of the time. Or not?


New Member
Nope, I work outside the home. I bet the kids would like it at first but then as they got older I bet they would rather we worked outside the home. I wish I worked at home sometimes.


New Member
I stay at home and my wife works outside of the home. I wish she could do more of her work here than she does. sometimes if feels like we never get to see her.


New Member
Not with us either but I think it would drive us both up the wall if we did. We have thought about it a few time but sometimes when we get together we feed off one another and I am sure the distractions would be constant.


New Member
We don't anymore, I work outside the home, but we both used to work at home and it was great. We have always spent most of our time together though.


New Member
My wife stays home, but I don't. I do hope that one day I can build my own business that allows me to stay home though. My kids would love that because I'm one of those cool dads. :p Until, of course months went buy and they'd start asking mom when dad's going to go back to work. Hahaha.