Moral Values?


New Member
Where do you draw your moral values from? How do you instill them in your children, by example or guidance? The Bible is our guide here.


New Member
My morals principally arise from my upbringing, I suppose. If I do something against my own moral code, my conscience certainly lets me know! We teach morals to our kids both explicitly and by example.


New Member
Thanks for the answer. But where does your conscience draw its moral norms from? That is certainly something I would like to know about people.


New Member
I think our conscience comes from our parents and/or other important people in our lives. There are cultural mores in every social contract, most or maybe all of which involve not harming others physically or emotionally. For some people these mores are also codified in religion.


New Member
My wife and I both like to ask ourselves, "What would Jesus do?" It doesn't work perfectly, especially in times when we act human and have a knee jerk reaction to something, but it gives us a good starting point for what we should do when we take the time to think.


New Member
My wife and I both like to ask ourselves, "What would Jesus do?" It doesn't work perfectly, especially in times when we act human and have a knee jerk reaction to something, but it gives us a good starting point for what we should do when we take the time to think.
It's similar in our home, except we ask let's see what Jesus did. What would Jesus do gives a lot of room for personal interpretation which in my opinion is a little bit different.