Morning Person

Papa Bear

New Member
I am a morning person; prepare breakfast and take my son to school. My wife awakes when I get back. We have breakfast together before going to work.


New Member
Night owl here. I have a hard time waking up. I set two alarms usually on the other side of the room so I will have to get up.


New Member
I am a total night-owl. I can barely function at all in the mornings somedays. It takes me a long time to get moving. I hate waking up early, but I love staying up late.


Staff member
Night owl also. I hate mornings. I do once in a while get myself used to getting up early, but something breaks that habit though.


New Member
I get up early everyday, but I wouldn't call myself a morning person. I would love to sleep in, but my work schedule doesn't allow it and when I do get a day off I end up getting up early out of habit.


New Member
My wife is a nurse and there are times that she wishes she did not have to be out too early for her shift. Unfortunately she gets hit with the 1st shift so off she goes at 5am. She is a morning person and I am an owl. When it is my turn to take the kids to school, I do my best to sleep early the night before.