Mother's Day


New Member
Today is Mother's Day in the UK. I think it's a different date in the USA. Does every country have a Mother's day I wonder? Personally I think it's too commercialised, a bit like Christmas and Valentine's day.


New Member
Mother's Day in the U.S. isn't until May. I'm not sure about other countries. Man, I hope I'm home for it this year. My travel schedule has really sucked eggs lately.


New Member
I know that in Mexico is a set day, May 10. In the Dominican Republic, it is celebrated the last Sunday in May. Argentina celebrates it the third Sunday in October. It is spring there at that time. I know this personally because I have friends in those countries. In a lot of places they have it the second Sunday in May like in the USA.


New Member
Some countries have a general 'parents day' rather than one for each. I don't mind the gift giving and treats for the kids' mom but we should celebrate our mothers every day.


New Member
I live in England too but unfortunately I'm away from home for two weeks on a training course abroad so I missed Mother's day. I ordered the flowers before I left though so I think I'm covered. :)


Staff member
Almost made me think I forgot Mothers day. Whew. Those type of "holidays" do nothing for me, just like my birthday.