Movie Nights


New Member
On movie night, who picks the movie? I am so glad my wife has the same taste I do in movies, because if I had to sit through some kind of girly movie I might fall asleep. Did anyone here get lucky and marry like me, or are you stuck watching something like Titanic? :D


New Member
When it's just my wife and me we pick together. We don't have the same taste but we can compromise. I pick one time and then she picks the next. I'm lucky enough that she does like action and horror.


New Member
The wife always gets to pick of course and it's always been that way! I don't mind that much though, because I'm not really against girly movies. I'm not much of a cinema fanatic anyway so I can watch anything and like it. :)


New Member
After years of experience with this we have both decided to take turns. It never started out this way of course, someone would have to "win" the choice of picking but that gets tiresome after a few years.


New Member
We try to compromise and find a movie that we both like. We both like comedies and hate horror movies, so it usually works out well. She likes action movies she says, but I think she likes watching certain actors more than the movie itself - Russell Crowe and Matt Damon for instance.


New Member
I pick the movies if I watch them. My wife will want to watch an occasional chick flick, and I will do about 15 mins of it, then "go to the bathroom" and never return. When the movie is over she will find me in my office or the bedroom and give me the "look".
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Victor Leigh

New Member
No movie nights for me at all. Mainly because I don't really watch movies regularly and all my children are already grown up and have their own homes. When I was a kid, my father was the one who picked the movies. We went to watch movies at the cinema then.


New Member
Well, it depends on whether it is "date night" or "family afternoon." The wife usually picks out the movies for our night out, but thankfully we have similar tastes in movies. The kids usually pick out the movies when we all go. Those movies are all "G-rated," of course, because of our son.


New Member
This is why having something like Netflix is great when you have kids. It's way cheaper and less hassle than fighting over something in the store. What we do is write down the name of each of our picks onto a piece of paper and throw them into a hat. First pick is the movie we watch, second pick is the one we'll watch tomorrow or next weekend, etc.

When it comes to couples-only movies, there simply has to be a compromise.


New Member
Every once in a while I put up a fight about picking the movie but most times after being married this long, we know to take turns. If we end up not doing this someone is grumpy during the entire movie and someone still ends up sleeping on the couch.