MPAA Rating System


New Member
Do you trust the MPAA rating system to help you find out which movies are and aren't appropriate to take your kid to see? I used to but recently I've noticed they are very inconsistent. I watched a movie the other day that had lots of S words and even an F bomb in it and was only rated PG. There was even some violence and gore in the movie. I would still watch it with my kids if only because they hear those words at school and from relatives all the time bit I imagine that the more bloody parts might scare them.


New Member
Absolutely not. I'll review the film myself before letting them see, and I'll often ask friends of their opinion. I personally don't watch many films and so they don't either. I'd let them see the 007 series quite young but other stuff that is 12 rated I wouldn't permit.


New Member
Interesting what is nowadays rated PG or even 14! I think I can't say that I can vouch for this rating system even on the face of these anomalies. I don't Trust them period!

Victor Leigh

New Member
No, I have no faith in that kind of rating. What they consider to be appropriate for children is not always what I consider to be appropriate for my own children. So I do my own rating.


New Member
I'm pretty lenient with my kids on this, but if I'm worried about the content of the movie, I'll just screen it myself. Ratings from the MPAA mean nothing to me, I'm sure they are easily bought out, or give favor to certain studios.


New Member
I'm not at all concerned with the movie rating system. I grew up watching any movie I wanted and I think I turned out fine. I'll allow my future son (we are expecting) to just watch whatever he wants.


New Member
I absolutely do not trust the rating system. I've seen some films that really push the envelope and are not suitable for viewing in my opinion. Of course, I'm sure the kids know more than I would wish for them to know already but it will not come from me.