New Facebook?


New Member
I don't understand this new Facebook stuff. Everyone is talking about how it changed but I can't seem to see it. What is new that I am missing?


New Member
I don't know, I don't use Facebook. I have heard a lot of people complaining about it though. If so many people don't like it, why do they use it?


New Member
I think it's useless to complain about a free service that you are in no way required to use. I don't like the new layout but it's not a big deal. They just added a new box that shows you everything people are doing in real-time. They arranged the news feed a little too.


New Member
I think that often times people get use to something and are comfortable with it so any change and they get upset. Everytime they change something at Facebook, it doesn't bug me, it just gets annoying is all. It's not hard to adjust though. It's just a social networking site. There are greater tragedies.


New Member
I don't use Facebook that much so I don't notice a lot of change there. The only change I can see is that now you can see the list of your friends and their online status on the right side of your wall.


New Member
I think the changes this time are pretty minor, but I really wish they would stop messing with it. I'm a creature of habit and I don't like having to get used to new stuff all the time.


New Member
The changes did take place, but I don't really have any issue with it, and I don't see how it has ruined other people's life. :) Then again, I don't use Facebook that much.


New Member
I don't like the new changes but whatever...I hear most people are moving over to the google thing anyway. My newsfeed changed right away, but I just got the real time ticker yesterday!


New Member
Well, they've tweaked the design a little since I visited the site last time, but other than that I don't seem to notice any differences. I don't use Facebook too much. I only have an account to keep in touch with some old friends, from high-school, who currently live abroad.


New Member
I don't think they will ever stop messing with it. They will keep tweaking it to their hearts delight. I have accepted that and no longer allow myself to get upset over it.


New Member
The layout has changed and they have decided that we must see certain posts at the top of the page, which they call "news stories" or something like that. We have no option as to who we want to see in this area either.