New fall shows to watch.


New Member
I have been seeing so many commercials for new shows this Fall. The one that I am definitely going to be watching is The Defenders with Jim Belushi and Jerry O'Connell as lawyers in Vegas. Are there any shows that have already caught your eye?


Staff member
Not really. Sons of Anarchy come back, but I loose Rescue Me. I might watch the new show Terriers. Nothing else I can think of that looks interesting.


New Member
I am still surfing around for new things to watch. Lately I have found a ton of stuff that I can just blow through a full season over a weekend if I have the free time which is nice, most recent is a show called Surface, still no idea how I missed this one.


New Member
I'm going to be honest, I will be Lost without Lost. I loved that show. I tell you a lot of the shows that I love are already off. I also loved Prison Break and Jericho and they are both gone. I have not seen anything new to take the place of those yet.