Not good!


New Member
Our Sunday paper featured a story on an infant that died after being left in the car. I understand why people need to be informed about this but it was above the fold on the front page.

Stories like that should be hidden from little eyes.


New Member
I just cannot believe that any parent would think that it is okay to leave a child in the car EVER. How could you possibly think they would be okay out in the heat? I think they should lock parents who do this in the car too so they can know exactly what that poor child felt.


New Member
That just shows extreme neglect from the parents or guardians.

These types of stories are hard to hear, especially as a parent.

I just can't believe some person could do something as irresponsible as that!


New Member
I think the parent should be locked in the car but I know that mistakes happen as sad as it is. I can't imagine the hell those parents are going through. I just would have preferred not to have been hit in the face with it first thing in the morning.


New Member
So we are going to brush off all of the bad stuff from a newspaper to anywhere but the front page? That seems silly and while I understand your concern I have to ask, what happens then when a kid (of any age) opens up the paper at a store or at home and reads it?


New Member
Stuff like this always freaks me out. I guess it's good in the end though because it definitely burns an image into your mind so you won't make the same mistake. I don't think it should be on the front page though.


New Member
So we are going to brush off all of the bad stuff from a newspaper to anywhere but the front page? That seems silly and while I understand your concern I have to ask, what happens then when a kid (of any age) opens up the paper at a store or at home and reads it?
If we did that there wouldn't be anything at all to put on the front page would there? I ran across this story today about what is happening to society around us in America.


New Member
I don't think there is any reason for it not to be on the front page. If you don't want your kid to see things like that, don't leave it out for them to read.

I think the fact that a baby died here, much outweighs the fact that another kid could have seen the story. Making sure that it doesn't happen to another child is much more important in my eyes.

I'm sorry, but I really get bothered by people who want to censor the world because kids might find out. The world is the way that it is, instead of trying to censor every little thing, why don't we try to fix the underlying problems?

You wouldn't have to worry about a child reading these things, if they didn't happen. So, let's stop them from happening, instead of complaining about them being talked about publicly.

Victor Leigh

New Member
Yes, I agree that it's a ghastly story for little eyes. No, I cannot agree that it should be hidden.


There are lots of other more ghastly stories on the front page, both above and below the fold. The only thing to do is to tell the little ones how to deal with it. Put the stories in the right perspective for them. If you don't, they will form their own perceptions about it.

R. Paradon

New Member
It is definitely sad that some people leave their common sense when it comes to babies. I remember reading of this situation too many times. I do not find hiding things from kids is a good idea. If they have reading skills they will probably find out about it regardless and if ever in a position when they are going to the store with mom or dad and the parents "forget" the little baby the child may remind them.


New Member
It is sheer the carelessness of the parents. By the way, how the child died? Due to suffocation? Few days back, here in my city in India, parents had left a child in the car and went to a near by shop. In the meantime, the traffic police with towing truck arrived and carried away this parked car. The parents had to hire a rickshaw to trace down their car and child in it.


New Member
It's a horrific thing that children should never have to know about but the sad fact is sooner or later they're going to find out that the world isn't all happy and perfect. It's a dark, often violent place and everyone will have to learn that sooner or later. That being said, I don't think that a kid too young to start learning about the bad things in the world will be able to read the headline anyway, unless they learned early.