"Parent Time"


New Member
Do you ever get alone time in the house with your wife, or are the kids always home when you are, and you're out of the house when they are? That's how it feels now that I'm all moved in with my wife and her daughter - I'd really love some "us time". Is it silly to ask for someone to babysit outside of our house so that we can stay home for a bit alone?


New Member
It's not silly at all! My parents and my ex-wife's parents are always asking if they can take the kids on day trips. Sometimes, when we were still married, we'd take the opportunity to take a day trip of our own, but other times we'd stay home all day and just enjoy having the place to ourselves!


New Member
I suggested the very same thing to my wife recently and she told me that if we're getting a sitter, she wants to go out. She said there is no point in getting a sitter just so she can spend time at home. I guess I can see her point. Other than grocery shopping, she really doesn't get out of the house much. Then again, I don't get to spend much time at home which is why I thought some adult time around the house would be nice.


New Member
My sister-in-law is great for helping my wife and I in this area. She'll take them for an afternoon, or come over for an evening so we can go out. Every once in a while, she have the kids sleepover. It's nice just to be able to relax with my wife and watch a movie.