pet duty


New Member
We always had pet duty for everyone in the house when the kids were smaller and we still do if the grand kids come to visit during the summer. I see many pet owners still not taking care of their pudgy pets, what gives?


New Member
If you want a pet then you need to take care of it. I hate parents who let the kids have pets because they promise to take care of it and then it ends up being given up for adoption or whatever because no one wants to care about it.

Having a pet is a big responsibility and people need to realize it; I think it is almost on par with having children and I make sure to care for my pup because I love her and chose to have her.


New Member
I am so glad that there are some people like FrankSinatra who feel the way I do about pets. Pets have hearts. They have feelings. They can be hurt just like humans if they are neglected.

I have a cat that spent the first eight years of her life living under a house. The woman who had her got divorced and eventually brought in a new boyfriend, and he literally kicked the cat and eventually he made her give the cat to the shelter.

It has taken my wife and I more than four years to emotionally nurse this cat to the point where she accepts love without running away.

As for the woman who allowed the cat to be abused and neglected for eight years, my blood boils whenever I think about her.


New Member
Both of my cats were adopted and the god we got from someone who was looking to give the litter away to people who they knew would care for them. They didn't want money just to make sure they were going to be happy...that is the way you treat pets.


New Member
A friend of ours works in the donation field and I have heard all types of stories for why people drop off cats and dogs. Some people do not even walk in and say anything, they just drop the pet off at the curb, its sick!