Pica (craving during pregnancy)


New Member
For those that didn't know, "pica" is the term that defines a craving for non-nutritive substances, which some women have during pregnancy.

My wife didn't show any craving for anything other than food, but I've heard that some of my friends' partners had an appetite for paper and bark.

What's your opinion about this ?


New Member
I had heard about women craving things like dirt, I didn't know the condition had a name. I think those strange cravings is the body's way of telling you your body is lacking something very important.


New Member
There is no proven reason as to why this happens. Like Ben said, sometimes a pregnant woman will have pica, or crave non-food items when they have a nutritional deficiency. My wife craved toothpaste. Our doctor seemed to think it was due to a hormone imbalance.