Pre-screening their picks


New Member
How often do you preview the TV shows and movies that your kids want to watch before they watch them? Do you do it every time, and which methods do you use for determining if something is appropriate?


New Member
My kids are old enough that we don't have to do this anymore. I used to watch the shows first though when they were younger. Most times we watched them together and if I did not like them (inappropriate) for my kids I turned the station.


New Member
Our son is still so young that he only watches children's shows, however we are already screening movies through the IMDB website. They have a parental advisory section for every movie that details how sexually explicit and/or violent a movie is, along with how often profanity is used and how often characters are seen drinking, smoking and/or using drugs.


New Member
Our local paper does a "Parental Advisory" for movies every weekend that has been very helpful over the years. As far as television is concerned, I actually let my wife decide on the shows since she watches more actual television than I do.