

New Member
If you were divorced with visitation rights and had the opportunity, would you re-locate, say, 100 miles away from where your child/children live in order to make more money to support them better?


New Member
It would take almost an act of God to send me a hundred miles away from my children, at least while they are growing up. Now that my girls are getting older, they're leaving me 100 miles behind. I would never want to hold them back, but I would buy property in the same town if they'd decide to live nearby when they finish college.


New Member
That is a tough question. I guess it would depend on how often they stay with me. One hundred miles is far but not too far to see them whenever I chose. I could still go to their events and I would have more money to do things with them.


New Member
There is no way I would move that far away from my kids, and especially not for a job or money. Not being able to see my kids everyday would be bad enough.


New Member
As a product of a broken family, I am too well-aware that kids want nothing more than quality time with their parents. If I were divorced, I would never move to another place - even if it means a better job - if it would only take me away from my kids. My presence would be more than enough to compensate for whatever's lacking financially. Besides, God always provides, and I'm sure we will get by. The important thing for me is to be there while the kids are growing up.


New Member
I can't imagine divorcing my wife and then moving 100 miles away from her and my son. Even if I absolutely hated her and felt like I couldn't get far enough away from her, I'd still pass up a better job to stay close to my son. Once you become a parent, it's always about what's best for your children, and like it or not, I think that being close to your children and being an active part of their lives is much better for them than moving 100 miles away and just sending them a bigger check every month.


New Member
I don't think I would move that far away. I would rather be more accessible and aable to go to all their events and activities. I think that's what the kids would care more about.


New Member
I live on the other side of the country from the kids I had with my first wife. It doesn't really phase anyone, though, because when I was with her I spent about 11 months out of the year traveling. This isn't really any different. I guess it just depends on your circumstances and what the kids are used to.


New Member
I would ask myself how well the job pays compared to what I could find local, depending on the age of the children I might. That would depend if the sacrifice was worth it, including the travel back and forth for visiting.


New Member
I think it would depend on the visitation agreement, and it would depend on what the pay difference would be. I guess I would base the decision on what was best for all concerned.


New Member
Sometimes you don't have a choice. My daughter has separated from her soldier husband, they are still friends, and he sees the children regularly, but when he is posted to another part of the country, she won't be able to move with him as they no longer live together!


New Member
I can't say I'd never do it, but it's highly unlikely. I don't want to be that far away from my daughters, even when they're driving me crazy. ;)