School shopping


New Member
Is anyone else going shopping for school supplies this weekend? I swear the list of things the teachers require the kids to have gets longer every year!


New Member
Even from when I was a kid the lists would get longer every it is just ridiculous. Please tell me why we need a three-hole punch? I never used one in my life because I had to...I used it because it was there and I figured I might as well use it.


New Member
Yes! It's crazy isn't it. How about individual white boards for each kid? We tend to buy a lot of the "normal supplies" at the end of the previous school year. I love the 50-75% off clearance sales. We also shop at Staples and they have wonderful "penny" sales.


New Member
It's getting to be a bit much, for sure. Won't be long before kids are expected to bring their own desk in from home at the start of the year. Or at the very least, their own toilet paper. lol


Staff member
Is this weekend the no tax weekend? If so I'm in. But publix here had some really good deals; a package of pencils for $0.33, notebooks for the same. Cannot beat that.


New Member
Imagine when the school boards get bigger budgets and try to keep up with technology...the kids will need a new Kindle/Nook for their book and a new laptop with different specs and programs for each grade.

They might have to go to school naked so I can afford the $1,000 per child that would cost...but hey, it's on the school supply list!


New Member
I bought some 24 pack Crayola crayons for 50 cents the other day. I have been keeping an eye on the sales so that I can get my daughters supplies at the cheapest price. She doesn't need too much though. What really irritates me is that now it is our job to supply Kleenex and hand sanitizer for the classroom. When did schools quit supplying the basics? What's next toilet paper for the rest rooms?


New Member
We luckily don't have to do that ourselves yet. But we've seen a few of our friends doing it for their kids. It's like people are starting to have to set aside giant budgets just for school supplies. I remember in the 80's you didn't really need but so much money to get by on school supplies.

Boy, how things changed.

Victor Leigh

New Member
I know one place where they don't have to buy school supplies when the new term starts. The children have all been equipped with tablets, provided free by the government. So end of heavy school bags. End of endless supply of pencil leads.


New Member
I am so happy that we no longer need to do this for the kids, but now they can for their own children. One ended up spending almost $100 on school supplies only, not even counting any of the clothes! Prices sure have went up!!


New Member
It really is crazy how much they need. My son just waits until the first day of school to do any school shopping. Why? Because, most teachers want specific sized binders and other supplies. There is no other option then to wait until after the first day is over.

My daughter on the other hand is in college. She spends more money on her textbooks then she does anything else. Now, those prices are just plain OUTRAGEOUS!


New Member
I don't mind buying school supplies if it helps the teachers. In fact, I buy things on sale and take in and give to the teachers whenever I find them. Teachers get very little in the way of supply money and have to buy so much out of their own pockets. If all parents would pitch in a little, all the kids would benefit.


New Member
Imagine getting school supplies for five kids! My wife and I really have to save for it way before classes start because you're right, the list gets longer every new school year. Hopefully, it will be money worth spent because the kids promised to do good in school this year.


New Member
My wife took my kids this weekend to do clothing shopping! Wowsa! I have no money left at all! :( Seriously though, clothing and supplies are so expensive. We actually save money throughout the summer out of each paycheck to do this.