schooling costs


New Member
More people are complaining about the price of school, both high school and college but what happened to taking responsibility? What happened to loans and getting summer jobs?


New Member
I don't think it's always a case of being lazy or not willing to take responsibility. Many costs are going up for people, but their salaries at work aren't going up according to the cost of living. I know kids are still working summer jobs, because you can see them in grocery stores and fast food restaurants still. I think it's ridiculous that so many have to go into debt anyways, just to continue with schooling and rack up bills that will take them many years to pay off.


New Member
Every student I know has loans but that doesn't mean that they aren't complaining about the cost of an education. It's expensive, especially with there being no promise of a job when you graduate. We are telling this generation to go to college so they don't have to flip burgers and then when they graduate and don't want to flip burgers we tell them they are being entitled.


New Member
I do not think education should be free but I also do not think you should lose your shirt over it either. Many people are going into classes for which there is an insane small amount of jobs to fill from it, not thinking about it ahead of time. How is that my fault that someone just jumped into an industry without researching it first?


New Member
I think that even if you research the industry before getting in, there is a great chance you won't be able to get a job. It's not even the obscure degrees that don't have work. It's things like teaching, science, math. Things change. There are at least 4 unemployed people for every open position in the work force right now. It's not the fault of these kids either, that's for sure.

I guess it's time to start telling our kids that they can't be whatever they want to be.


New Member
I doubt when it all started anyone sat down thinking the economy would be this insane, places keep raising the price of everything to try and make some money. What we lose on that note besides the money is the education that so many are still missing when they can not afford the insane rates.


New Member
I don't think with things the way they are you are doing your kids a service by encouraging them to go to college. I also think that people need to start teaching their children how to provide for themselves...not by a job or money, but by going out and hunting and gardening and fishing.


New Member
There are many countries in the world that value education so much that anyone who wants to go to college to become educated can. What a great incentive to ensure your citizens don't have to choose ignorance.


Staff member
Plenty of people can make a good living by not going to college. It may not be easy work, but it pays good. A UPS driver who puts in overtime can make close to triple digits. You work on an oil field, you should not start out less then triple digits. There are plenty of people with a net worth over a million, who worked hard, saved, lived a modest live style without ever stepping foot in a college. Sadly most of them are new to America, and their children start to try and live the "American lifestyle" and loose all that money. I keep referring to it, and it is a good read, but the Millionaire Next Door, truly is a good look and money, schooling and lifestyle choices.

People need to learn how to manage money. Credit is so easy to come by, people take it for granted. You used to go and get a liberal arts degree and get a $20 hour job just because you had a degree. You cannot do that anymore. You may have to learn something and not use college as an extended party.

Go to a local community college instead of Harvard. Join the military that will help pay for college. And learn that money does not come easy. Do not expect brand new cars, a huge house, and fancy vacations right out of college.


New Member
I don't think with things the way they are you are doing your kids a service by encouraging them to go to college. I also think that people need to start teaching their children how to provide for themselves...not by a job or money, but by going out and hunting and gardening and fishing.
I absolutely agree with this. There are plenty of people who couldn't provide for themselves if they couldn't set foot in a grocery store, and this is a mistake. Having an education is great, but there is always more than one way to skin a cat.


Staff member
I absolutely agree with this. There are plenty of people who couldn't provide for themselves if they couldn't set foot in a grocery store, and this is a mistake. Having an education is great, but there is always more than one way to skin a cat.
They say we are one generation away from being self reliant. In today's world with so much electronics and things to take our time away, a lot of knowledge is lost. I know I am having to relearn the knowledge my parents have forgotten when it comes to canning and gardening. Once in a while though I get a good nugget of info from them. But it has been 20 years since they had to do any of that type of stuff.

It is a shame really. I often wonder if technology will not be the downfall of our society.


New Member
I agree with Jason and Christian 100%, and I am making every effort to learn those skills myself and teach them to my children because I think it is important. Historically speaking, all "great societies" have fallen to their demise within 200-300 years. If that remains true the US is certainly headed for a downward spiral. Really, that kind of time frame makes sense when you think about it...that's enough time for greed to grow to a point that it wipes out everything in it's path. Sound familiar?