

New Member
I used to have Scrabble because I do not have the best vocabulary. Recently, I have been playing with the kids. I have to admit it is much more fun to play now! They are 8 and 9 and just learning. Do you play?


New Member
We love playing Scrabble. We are very competitive, and we sometimes have championships with another family. Since we have different ages, we try to make things even by playing in teams with even group of ages (1 parent, 1 child).


New Member
Yes, I like it a lot more now that I have my step kids to play with. I never faired well against my parents or grandparents, but with the kids I can do okay. We like to play when the wife goes shopping.


New Member
I haven't played since I was young. I think we should get one and start playing with it. I know that kids will benefit from learning to play it because their vocabulary will get a big boost.


New Member
I'm a Scrabble fan too. I try to get the kids involved in any game which doesn't need a computer to play it! I agree it is also good for their vocabulary and spelling skills.


New Member
You know, I actually haven't played in a really long time and I think I would have to learn how to play all over again. When I go without playing a game for a period of time, I always have to be taught again; drives my family nuts!:p


New Member
Hey, I am the same way. I just played a game of Monopoly and I was glued to the rules because I could not remember all of them. It didn't matter I still went bankrupt! The wife got both Boardwalk and Park place! I tried to pay the rent with kisses but she would have none of it!