She's My Baby

On The Mark

New Member
My daughter is 13. Yesterday she was in a "crafty" mood and was putting up little knick-knacks on her bedroom wall. Painting them, decorating them, etc..... Then later in the evening one of her cats had her kittens ( Yay me :rolleyes:) and she wanted me to help build a little "shelter" for them out of some cardboard boxes. More craftiness on her part. She would alternate between doing that and shining the flashlight under the bed where Patches was having her babies.

At the end of the night, all I could think of was....... "She's my baby". She's just growing up so fast, you know?


New Member
I know what you mean. Just yesterday, mine were in diapers. Weren't they? It sure seems like it was just yesterday. Time moves weird once you have children. Sometimes it speeds up and other times it goes in slow motion.

On The Mark

New Member
It seems to have sped up for me. We, the ex and I, were more mature when she was born though, in our mid 30's, so maybe that has something to do with it?


New Member
It does not take long. I cherish whatever time I have with mine because they have such a short childhood and then they are gone. I know my mother grieved when all of us moved out of the house and I sure don't want to know I wasted my time with them. Even the little things are precious.