Speaking in sentences


New Member
At what age are kids supposed to start speaking in sentences? My daughter is two and she knows a lot of words, but they're all pretty much nouns that she uses for identifying different things. I'd really like to see her start to communicate a little better soon.


New Member
It has been a long time but each of my children started at a different age. Somewhere between 3 and 4 seems about right. Certainly by kindergarten, if not something is wrong.


New Member
My daughter will be three in January and she uses full sentences. Every kid is different, but I would say any time between 2 and 4 is probably "normal".


New Member
Children doesn't have the same development so speaking sentences will determine on how the kid develop. Just wait for a year or two and your child will be speaking in sentences.


New Member
I see some kids who have the biggest chatter mouth possible, my sisters kid has to be the best. She will get into a story and just when you think its over out of no where the voice gets louder and she is full of excitement. Of course she misses a few words but its okay, in the end you still get the jist of it.


New Member
My children began speaking in sentences at about three years old. I know it can be worrisome for some parents to see that other people's kids begin earlier, but - as it was mentioned above - everyone develops differently.


New Member
My kids came out of the womb talking a mile a minute. They must get it from their mom. My oldest's first words were actually in the form of complete sentences with near perfect grammar. It was just plain weird.

Doctors these days are pretty good about identifying problems and recommending an early intervention program. If it's something that really bothers you then talk to your pediatrician about it.

Also remember, they say Einstein didn't talk till he was four.