Stupid movie endings


New Member
Have you ever watched a movie and been really into it, only to have it end really badly? It ruins the whole movie for me. We have had this happen a couple of times lately and it really irritates me because that is 2 hours of time that we can't get back.


New Member
My wife made us go see The Perfect Storm when it was in the theater and the ending made me so mad I still remember it. They billed it as based on a true story, but in the end you find out that 99% of it is fiction. I might not have been so annoyed if I didn't feel misled.


New Member
Sure! A lot of movies don't end the way I think they should. I hate it when they end a movie and leave you hanging. That is the worse! Then I spend more time thinking about how it should end.


New Member
I recall reading that the European version of the movie, "Fatal Attraction," had an entirely different ending than did the version made for American audiences. Their reasoning was that American audiences weren't sophisticated enough to handle the European version. Maybe this mindset is one reason we get stuff like "Jerry Springer" and all those reality shows on our televisions instead of decent programming.


New Member
Polamalu, like you, I hate when they leave you hanging. Even worse I hate when they try to give closure and just end up looking stupid. John, I have seen several music videos and movies that were European and they do get a lot more meat than we do.


New Member
I usually will sit throughout the entire movie no matter how bad it is, if I have firmly decided to see it. But I get you, sometimes it annoys me too.