Taking time for yourself


New Member
My wife is always reminding me that I need to have a hobby where I can get away from the house and unwind and relax. She's right but I don't do it as often as I should.


New Member
Yes recreational time without any hassles is absolutely essential for the mindset of a father.

I myself, every Sunday go by myself or with my friends to the golf course for a few hours.

Clears the mind and is really fun!

I suggest you do something the same.


New Member
Getting a hobby that you really enjoy creates an exhilarating feeling. Your wife is right, you should find time for yourself to just relax and unwind. It wouldn't make you a bad father if you devote at least one night (or day) a week to do something for yourself.


New Member
That is great of her! I have hobbies! Family hobbies and a couple of individual hobbies too. It's important that we have time to ourselves (or with our guy pals). What do you like to do?


New Member
It's great that your wife encourages you to have your own interests. I'm lucky enough to have a wife who encourages me to do the same, which is how I'm able to get away for fishing or golf on a regular basis. :) I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't get out of the house every so often!!


New Member
You're really lucky to have a wife that will remind you of tings like this. It is very important, in my opinion, to have a hobby outside of work and all the house stuff that needs to be done. You have to have that release where you can let go and not worry about all that stuff.

It's sounds stupid, but it's actually bad for your health to not unwind every once and awhile.

Victor Leigh

New Member
I do have a hobby. It just so happens that making money is my hobby. Not that I make a lot of money. Just interested in how people make money. Such a fascinating subject.


New Member
Everyone needs a good hobby or vice, it builds character. It also keeps you sane! I have seen a few marriages fall apart because they worked so much they forgot how to have fun and play too.


New Member
I used to play basketball but the kids were smaller and my wife needed a break by the end of the day. Now my hobby is coaching the kids' sports.


New Member
Everyone needs time off! Mine is walking. Every Saturday afternoon, weather permitting, I will take a 3-mile walk around an island resort near where I reside. I use the concrete pathways instead of the sandy beach. Sometimes, my partner joins me but she's lazy to do so regularly. I don't mind since I actually want the 'alone time'.


New Member
My wife is great about that

She knows that my friends and I like to play cards one night a month and has no problems with that. She also won't object to an occasional happy hour with the guys, but of course I also give her time to enjoy her hobbies as well to balance out.


New Member
It is definitely important to take some time out for yourself. It is good your wife supports that idea. Mine does too, and I've realized that as long as you give her the same time for herself it helps keep both of you in a good mood.